The Cordillera Nurses’ Brigade for COVID-19
The Cordillera Nurses’ Brigade for COVID-19 is composed of the Philippine Nurses Association-CAR, Cordillera Association of Nursing Deans (CAND), ANSAP-CAR, various nursing specialty groups such as ORNAP, MCNAP and nurse leaders. We have come together as a brigade to contribute to the containment of the concerns related to COVID-19. We would like to ensure that our concerted efforts in supporting the nurses and other health care professionals as frontline workers be coordinated and organized.
While putting our plans in place, we committed our financial and manpower resources together to provide the needed support to our health care workers in the Cordillera.
Among the initiatives are the ff:
- Call for nurse volunteers to supplement the staffing needs of the hospitals and DOH CAR in the centralized quarantine facility for stable PUIs. Calling for willing volunteer nurses to commit!;
- Call for donations for PPEs that are badly needed by the health care professionals due to their depleting PPE resources.Good hearted donors are welcome to donate ;
- In the absence of PPEs to purchase, nurse volunteers are in the process of innovating to develop some PPEs using available resources. In line with the making of face shields, we call on colleagues who may have unused acetates or clear folders, to please donate these materials; and,
- We are in close contacts with the Chief Nurses and administrators of the hospitals and DOH-CAR to know how else can we of help to them in this time of crisis.
Thank you. Nurses’ Brigade volunteers are welcome. We will continue to post needs as needed.
GOD bless to all health care professionals!