Priority Programs/Activities


1. Enhance the image of the PNA through:

  • collective, participatory and transparent leadership
  • Collaborative leadership with regional nurse group
  • relevant programs for nurses in the region
  • free and/or affordable CPD programs
  • advocate and be a voice for nurses economic welfare and workplace rights

2. Strengthen IEC thru maximizing radio stations (PNA-Ifugao on the air)
3. Strengthen the membership campaign
4. Giving back to members: Provision of free and/or at cost/affordable accredited CPD seminars
5. Enhance Regional Council and Chapter governance

  • Chapters actively participate in regional activities

6. Pursue research on Regional Nurses’ situation using the PPE Framework
7. Strengthen collaborative linkages at the local, regional, national and international level.
8. Chapters to be active in the PNA regional website thru their Chapter links